Boomdude's Reading List

Barack Obama used classified intelligence leaks for political gain

Barack Obama used classified intelligence leaks for political gain
By the end of President Obama’s second term, the practices of leaking, ignoring and twisting intelligence for political gain were ingrained in how the administration conducted national security policy, according to sources who spoke anonymously with The Washington Times.

No, the Trump Administration Didn't 'Ban' 7 Words at the CDC

No, the Trump Administration Didn't 'Ban' 7 Words at the CDC
Heads exploded over the weekend in response to a Washington Post article that claimed the Centers for Disease Control would “ban" seven words in all future budget documents submitted to Congress. The article’s inflammatory headline, “CDC gets

A deafening media silence on the Obama-Hezbollah scandal

A deafening media silence on the Obama-Hezbollah scandal
Politico published a jaw-dropping, meticulously sourced investigative piece this week detailing how the Obama administration had secretly undermined US law enforcement agency efforts to shut down a…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » HMM: FBI’s top lawyer said to be reassigned.. This WaPo story really builds him up in contrast to…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » HMM: FBI’s top lawyer said to be reassigned.. This WaPo story really builds him up in contrast to…
December 22, 2017 HMM: FBI’s top lawyer said to be reassigned. . This WaPo story really builds him up in contrast to new FBI Director Christopher Wray, from which I conclude that this highly respected FBI lawyer was probably a major leaker to the Post, especially in light of this: “He was very close to former FBI director James B. Comey, who asked Baker to be his general counsel. They were colleagues at the Justice Department and when they were out of government at Bridgewater Associates, an in...

Now, this is presidential obstruction

Now, this is presidential obstruction
What if a president used his power to interfere with a federal investigation involving foreign powers committing serious crimes in the United States as well as elsewhere? Such a thing would be cons…

Now, this is presidential obstruction

Now, this is presidential obstruction
What if a president used his power to interfere with a federal investigation involving foreign powers committing serious crimes in the United States as well as elsewhere? Such a thing would be cons…

Why the Narrative That Right-Wing Hate Killed JFK Is False

Why the Narrative That Right-Wing Hate Killed JFK Is False
It wasn’t “right-wing hate" that killed the president on Nov., 22, 1963, it was the far-left radical Lee Harvey Oswald.

Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill

Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill
This survery claims one in two U.S. millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy.

Panetta: Intelligence Committee Needs to Look into Clinton/DNC Dossier Payment

Panetta: Intelligence Committee Needs to Look into Clinton/DNC Dossier Payment
Former CIA Director Leon Panetta told CNN that the Intel Committee need to look into the DNC and Clinton campaign.